USW Pitt Staff Bargaining Committee Candidates

Our Bargaining Committee will be made up of Pitt Staff, our USW District Director and other staff and technical experts from the USW. Please review the information provided by each Pitt Staff candidate below, then vote for up to seven candidates using the following form.

  • Kearsten Adams

    Academic Advising, Greensburg
    14 Years of Service

    As a member of the Volunteer Organizing Committee for over two years, I've worked hard to make the Pitt Staff Union a reality, and I want to continue the work through the bargaining committee. My 14 years of experience as an academic advisor at Pitt-Greensburg grant me a thorough knowledge of the needs of our regional campuses. I consistently ask the tough questions of our HR department and the administration regarding our wages, frequency of pay, healthcare benefits, and teaching opportunities for staff while maintaining my professionalism . The regional campuses of Pitt need representation at the bargaining table, and I promise to be a strong voice for all of us!

  • Shawn Alfonso Wells

    Pitt Global Experiences Office, Main Campus
    31 Years of Service

    I started working at Pitt as a Graduate student. I was first employed by the Athletic department as a tutor and then worked as an Advisor in the Advising Center. After 2 years I was able to get a Teaching Assistantship which I held in Africana Studies. When I graduated from Pitt I continued to work as an Adjunct Professor at both Pitt and CMU. In 2018 I was hired as an Academic Advisor in the Advising Center and after 2 years then I moved into my current position as the Exchange Program Manager in Pitt GEO. I am also the Vice President of Council in my Municipality and as such I have been exposed to the contract bargaining of our Municipal employees including Police, Fire and DPW. I have had to vote on and agree to the bargaining results from a Municipal perspective and I understand some of the push and pull factors on both side of the table. I feel that Unions are very important ways to guarantee rights and good pay and that we are stronger bargaining together than we are individually. I would love the opportunity to represent our voices at the bargaining table.

  • Alexander Ball

    University Career Center, Main Campus
    5 Years of Service

    I am running for a position on the bargaining committee because, for far too long, university staff have lacked a meaningful voice. Now that we have a seat at the table, we, as a collective, deserve to be heard. As a hopeful representative, I pledge to listen closely and speak up for all union members.

    Having worked at the University for nearly six years, I have witnessed firsthand the unfair impact of leadership decisions on our staff. It’s time for us to finally have a say. Vote Ball – he’ll serve all.

  • Nicholas Bober

    Medicine, Main Campus
    2 Years of Service

    While I have not been working at the university long, I've seen the necessity of a union. My group was decimated in the UPMC layoffs in April, and my coworker and I have been struggling forward for months without knowing if we would be next. While I don't have prior experience to offer, I went door to door campaigning for this union and am extremely invested in getting the best contract possible. I also bring strong communication skills and a hard work ethic to tirelessly make sure no workers have to worry about their job for months like I did.

  • Matthew Bocchi

    Philanthropic & Alumni Engagement, Main Campus
    3 Years of Service

    As a proud product of a double union parent household (one of which I assisted in organizing for PASNAP) I am deeply committed to the ideals of collective bargaining and equity. Having served on various shared governance committees at a previous employeer related to compensation, healthcare benefits, strategic planning, etc - and given my role within the division that solicits further resources for the University - I believe that I have a unique skillset and knowledge to bring to the bargaining committee. Additionally, I pride myself on being accessible and would plan to hold virtual "office hours", allowing members from across the University the chance to speak their truth 1:1 and make their needs and opinions known. Together, we can achieve a better experience for all of us, elevating those that produce and contribute to the "behind the scenes" work that keeps the University running.

  • Christin Bongiorni

    University Communications & Marketing, Main Campus
    5 Years of Service

    As a member of UCM, I have a unique view of the University - I have produced videos for most of the departments on main campus, as well as many across the regional campuses, which has given me insight to the work being done all over Pitt as well as a connection with the people doing that work. I'm very passionate about doing work that will improve the lives of the people around me, and after being here at Pitt for 5 years and seeing the revolving door of leadership... there is a lot of work to be done.

  • Mark Brown

    Medicine, Cell Biology, Main Campus
    15 Years of Service

    I have been working in science research at the University for 15 years, in that time, I have seen fellow staff struggle. I have witnessed staff leave due to our inadequate salaries, toxic supervisors who never receive discipline, and unfair bullying that leads to ever increasing job responsibilities. The amount of pressure to work more hours, without receiving overtime, is exploited at the University for profit. Meanwhile, fellow staff members can no longer afford their basic needs due to inflation and low wages. We have important jobs, we should be compensated as such without needing a second job to survive.

  • Christine Burr

    Anesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine, Main Campus
    24 Years of Service

    I often tell people that Pitt is one of the best places to work—provided you’re prepared for the challenges regarding compensation. As a long-time Pitt employee, I've had extensive opportunities to discuss our benefits and compensation with colleagues and reflect on areas where we’d like to see improvement. I’m committed to making Pitt my career home, and I’d love to contribute to meaningful changes that will benefit all of us.

  • Lydia Chmill

    Disability Resources and Services, Main Campus
    11 Years of Service

    My goal is to be an advocate for and ally to everyone in our union, especially those in marginalized communities. Pittsburgh-born and raised in a single-parent, low-income household, I represent a necessary voice. As an alum and a staff member, my professional journey at Pitt began in the Office of the University Registrar. Since November 2014, I’ve served as the Office Administrator in Disability Resources and Services. I’m excited for the opportunity to serve more broadly by starting essential conversations around accessibility, equity, and mutual respect to make a meaningful impact at Pitt as a member of our bargaining committee.

  • Matthew Comito

    HR Client Services, Main Campus
    5 Years of Service

    I am determined on creating a work environment that gives its employees basic rights and tools to thrive. Employees spend majority of their waking hours at work, they deserve to be compensated accordingly and provided proper benefits.

  • Emily Daller

    Human Resources (Child Development Center), Main Campus
    17 Years of Service

    I grew up in a family full of Armco steelworkers and teachers, attending the PFT picnic every year. After 17 years as a staff member at Pitt's University Child Development Center, and an active member of the VOC, I am BEYOND READY to ensure that our concerns, needs, and desires are taken seriously. This university is an integral part of this city AND state, and we, the staff, are an integral part of the university. We deserve to be treated and compensated in a way that reflects that. I am committed to listening to, and representing all Pitt staff.

  • Cyrus Darvish

    Bioengineering, Main Campus
    3 Years of Service

    I am eager to serve on the Bargaining Committee to ensure that our voices are heard and our needs represented. I have worked in the bioengineering department for three years and am enthusiastic about learning new perspectives to better represent our staff. My skills in quick learning, adaptability, group collaboration, and diplomacy make me well-suited for this role, and I am committed to advocating for fair treatment, respect, and positive change for all staff members.

  • Eric Davies

    Athletics - Strategic Communications, Main Campus
    2 Years of Service

    During my time serving on the VOC prior to the union election, I met so many great co-workers following their passions to make our community and world a better place. To be able to bargain on behalf of so many people who work so hard to make this university work would be the honor of a lifetime. Pitt should not be allowed to balance their budget on our passion. Pitt and Pittsburgh will be a better place when the people working towards a better future are properly valued and respected and I hope to help make that a reality.

  • Brian Donatelli

    Planning Design Construction, Main Campus
    6 Years of Service

    I have supervised civilian trade workers from several construction trades as a military leader. I believe that I would be able to put the wants and needs of the PDC folks into an envelope.

  • Jessica Dougherty

    University Center for International Studies, Main Campus
    1.5 Years of Service

    I would love to be apart of the Bargaining Committee because I am passionate about representing my peers and fighting for equitable working conditions. I have a BS in Political Science and currently am pursuing my Masters in Public Administration to turn this passion into a career. I am driven by empathy for others and would value serving my colleagues in this capacity. 

  • Beth Elinoff

    Surgery, Main Campus
    27 Years of Service

    I have worked in several different departments during my Pitt career, and I want the opportunity to represent both the long-term employees and newer hires equally.

  • Kristyn Felman

    Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, School of Medicine, Main Campus
    10 Years of Service

    I have worked in the School of Medicine for 10 years, first in Critical Care and now in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Early in my career, I moved to Pittsburgh to pursue graduate degrees at Pitt Public Health and the School of Social Work. I have enjoyed my time here and worked with some incredible people. Even with several promotions and increasing responsibility, my salary has not kept up with inflation and I am currently less well compensated than I was 10 years ago. And I know I am not alone. Union representation has been my dream and I'm so excited to see this through!

  • Martin Fix

    UCIS, Main Campus
    7 Years of Service

    I desire to be a union representative to contribute a diverse and wide body of business experience and dealing with various unions throughout my professional career. It is imperative that the initial staff collective bargaining agreement be the foundation for the future.

  • Kelly Gilliam

    PAE, Main Campus
    9 Years of Service

    As a member of Staff Council and experience in working with all departments across campus, including our regional campuses in my role as Director, Pitt United Way Campaign and my previous roles with the Office of Human Resources, I understand the unique challenges staff face and am dedicated to building a stronger more supportive workplace. My skills in collaboration, strategic planning and community building, along with my Community Mediator Certification would enable me to contribute effectively to negotiations, ensuring that staff needs are heard and addressed fairly. Outside of Pitt, I am committed to amplifying voices, advocating for those who can’t, and ensuring that everyone’s needs are met through various organizations. I am committed to fostering a unified voice for our staff.

  • Jennifer Goeckeler-Fried

    Biological Sciences, Main Campus
    30 Years of Service

    As a scientist and lab manager, I’ve spent my career finding solutions to complicated problems while ensuring that every member of my team has the support they need to succeed. In four years as a union organizer, you’ve shared your issues and experiences with me, and I’ll keep listening to you. My goals are to protect the things we love about working at Pitt and find solutions that will improve the things we don’t, so that we all can thrive. Please trust me with your vote, and allow me to fight, advocate, and work for you as your bargaining representative.

  • Deb Haralam

    Oral and Craniofacial Sciences, Main Campus
    15 Years of Service

    During my 15yrs. at Pitt I have only worked in one of the Schools of Health Sciences, Pitt Dental. I've worked on the clinical side in the business/billing depts. & also the prosthodontic dept. as a resident coordinator dealing directly with patients. For the last 5yrs.I have been the Dept. Admins.(reporting to the Dept. Chair) in the OCS research dept. My first exposure to a union was at the age of 16, when I joined the United Retail Workers as a cashier at Jewel Grocery stores in the suburbs of Chicago. It may sounds crazy, but I was SO impressed at how our union rep always spoke to us (most of the cashier were just young HS girls) with respect and like we were adults, which was very rare in the 1970s. That always made me feel like the URW wasn't just some huge entity that didn't really care about me in particular. I've also had the opportunity to learn quite a bit about the USW as well. My partner has been a member for yrs, since he works at USS - Irvine Works in West Mifflin, PA. While I recognize all staff have their singular needs/wants/issues they'd like addressed, I believe those of us who work in research know how our needs/wants/issues are unique to the research world. Many of the research staff I know and work with from other HS schools & depts. are quite familiar with the saying "research is 24/7", but what most folks don't realize is that saying doesn't just apply to researchers themselves, frequently research support staff have to operate under the same mindset. As far as what I can bring to the table; I am a highly organized individual, I am quite articulate (still getting as much use out of that English/Journalism degree as I can!), and one skill in particular that I know my supervisor has found especially helpful, is that I am very good at taking detailed notes, and then summarizing them in a template I created. I do this for each mtg. we attending jointly & drop them in a OneDrive folder for his reference.

  • Jen Hill

    CT Surgery, Main Campus
    10 Years of Service

    I am committed to ensuring that grant-funded positions are adequately represented in the bargaining process and that staff seeking long-term career opportunities with the University are included. I will fight for a bargaining process that fosters a fairer work environment, supports career stability and enriches the lives of Pitt Staff. While I have my own innovative ideas of benefits that could be included in a final contract (such as retirement match for student loan payments), my primary priority is to make certain that all voices and ideas are represented in the discussion.

  • Joseph Hornack

    Law, Main Campus
    20 Years of Service

    I would like to help the union in its early stages. I was an attorney for over 40 years practicing plaintiff-side employment law and union-side labor law. I worked closely with the USWA in connection with efforts to stop Pittsburgh-area plant closings in the 1980s and 1990s.

  • Melissa Ilnicki

    Office of Research Protections, Main Campus
    11 Years of Service

    I am a respiratory therapist with over 30 years of experience, including roles in critical care, sleep medicine, neuro-respiratory liaison, and clinical research coordination, covering areas such as asthma, COPD, and neuro-respiratory diseases. Currently, I work with the IRB, reviewing research protocols. My diverse background across various departments provides me with a comprehensive understanding of our staff’s needs.

    Having been with Pitt for 11 years, I have honed valuable skills such as critical thinking, problem-solving, effective communication, and teamwork. These skills will be instrumental in my participation in the Bargaining Committee, where I aim to effectively represent and advocate for our colleagues at the University of Pittsburgh

  • Dr. Marla Johnson

    School of Pharmacy, Main Campus
    3 Years of Service

    I have been a community advocate and stakeholder in the non- profit paid and volunteer roles for over 20 years. I was a co- coordinator in a previous presidential campaign and now worked in a campaign. I have a passion and mindset to help others.

  • Robert Kelly

    Pitt IT, Main Campus
    17 Years of Service

    I would be honored if my fellow Staff members were to choose me for our Bargaining Committee. I believe I would be a strong negotiator, willing to ask the tough questions, team player, and firm in getting the best deal for my fellow Staff members.

  • Michael Kennedy

    Radiation Safety, Main Campus
    7 Years of Service

    I've worked at Pitt for 7 years. I have been a member of two different unions previously and actively involved in organizing with my last one. MY job requires me to have difficult conversations on a daily basis. I'm not afraid to advocate to management changes that need to be made.

  • Emily Kerr

    Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Main Campus
    10 Years of Service

    I hold an M.Ed. in Higher Education from the University of Pittsburgh and have non-profit board experience and training. I have worked in both essential and academic departments at Pitt, first in housing and now as an academic advisor in the SSOE. It is my job to research and strategize pathways to success for our students. Comfortable with uncomfortable conversations, I wade in when others tap out. A seat on the Bargaining Committee would allow me to use those skills to serve my cohort. I belong to the silent body of employees whose work is critical to mission delivery. Those voices are vital to represent during the bargaining process.

  • Kathleen Madonna-Emmerling

    PAE-Health Sciences, Main Campus
    1.5 Years of Service

    It would be an honor to represent my colleagues on the negotiating committee. I've been a vocal and active leader on the Volunteer Organizing Committee since my first day at Pitt. I'll use those organizing skills, my professional experience, and empathetic leadership to bring you the best Higher Ed staff contract in the nation.

    As a career non-profit and political fundraiser, I'm skilled at presenting a strong case for support while building the foundations of a long-lasting, respectful relationship. I’m committed to actively seeking and representing our collective interests. I’m organized, a good listener, and have a long track record of building community.

    I’ll work hard to fight for the best possible contract that addresses our priorities, like fair compensation and promotions, safe and respectful working conditions, and excellent health, retirement, and education benefits. I’m ready to stand up for all of us and bring a balanced, thoughtful approach to the negotiation table. Delivering this contract to the Staff of Pitt is my top professional priority.

  • Adriana Maguiña-Ugarte

    Anthropology, Main Campus
    17 Years of Service

    I have worked at Pitt since 2007, first in the Ctr for Latin American Studies, then in anthropology. But I was also an international graduate student between 1995 and fall 2000. I earned two degrees here at Pitt: MA in anthropology, and MS in Information Science. I also worked for Semester at Sea, a Pitt-affiliated program between 2001-2006. Through my studies and work career I have always been interested in international studies, and helping others go through their global learning as well.

    I do not have previous union experience, but I have been a member of Staff Council since 2007 as well, and have been an active member of the Staff Relations subcommittee. This committee has been working with the administration through shared governance to secure more and better benefits for staff. This committee worked, proposed and/or negotiated: the domestic partner health benefits, as well as the paid parental leave, paid volunteer time off, and Juneteenth Holiday. I have also represented Staff Council in the Senate Budget Policies Committee, working alongside faculty to protect staff benefits and work conditions.

  • Lawrence (Larry) Mercurio

    Africana Studies, Political Science & Sociology, Main Campus
    7 Years of Service

    I have been at Pitt's main campus in various roles; I started as a Standardized Patient, moved to Customer Service Rep at Panther Central, then proceeded to Academic Coordinator (AC) in the Sociology and Economics departments. Currently I am in the Africana Studies, Political Science and Sociology departments.

    Prior to Pitt, while a federal employee, I was in NATCA (National Air Traffic Controllers Union). I served as NATCA Legislative Representative for the PIT local, meeting with our congressional representatives here and in DC. I was in NATCA for 25 years.

    I would bring union familiarity, experience, and knowledge.

  • Dawn Miller

    Academic Affairs, Johnstown
    17 Years of Service

    Working in Academic Affairs, I have seen first-hand how the Collective Bargaining Agreement has benefitted the faculty members of the University of Pittsburgh. I have also worked directly with the complexity of the result of this ratification and witnessed a bit of fall-out from faculty members struggling to understand and accept the effect of the CBA on their jobs. I am an excellent communicator who will bring my fellow staff member's concerns to the table with the goal of finding a balance between retaining the benefits that we love and gaining the ground that we deserve. Pitt staff are dedicated and hard-working professionals who deserve the benefits of a well-negotiated union contract, and I would consider it an honor to work for them.

  • Brian Moore

    IT, Johnstown
    12 Years of Service

    I would like to have a voice in planning for the future. I believe that my past and present experiences in the workforce, along with the business degree earned, would be helpful in negotiating a fair contract for myself and fellow coworkers.

  • Philip Moyer

    Campus Police, Johnstown
    1 Year of Service

    I am an excellent choice for a Bargaining Unit Committee member due to my combination of practical experience and academic background. I have hands-on experience as a grievance representative in a previous union, where I gained valuable insights into the collective bargaining process, conflict resolution, and the importance of advocating for workers' rights. Additionally, I hold a college degree focused on management and union contracts, which has provided me with a strong understanding of labor relations, contract language, and the strategic considerations involved in negotiations. This combination of real-world experience and formal education allows me to approach bargaining with a well-rounded perspective, ensuring I can effectively advocate for members and navigate complex issues. I am dedicated, proactive, and committed to achieving fair outcomes and fostering positive communication between union members and management.

  • Dylan Nagy

    Health Policy and Management, Main Campus
    6 Years of Service

    Hi everyone! I would like to continue working to make the University a more equitable employer for all staff. I've worked in the School of Public Health for almost 6 years, where I've had conversations with staff members about not being able to contribute to their retirement plans, not seeing paths forward with their career, and being forced to reconsider their career at the University over a lack of promotions and raises. I volunteered as an organizer to help change all of this, and I would be honored to be part of the Bargaining Committee to advocate for those changes. Thank you!

  • Stacey Nath

    Academic Advising-Pitt Business, Main Campus
    6 Years of Service

    As someone who comes from union experience in the K-12 system, I understand how important this role is and the impact it has on the staff as a whole. In my 14 years as a HS business teacher, I served as VP and President (finishing the term of the previous president) of my local and attended various local and state-level PSEA events and meetings. Due to my involvement in my previous educational position, and the significance of winning our union at Pitt, I would like to represent the staff on the bargaining committee.

  • Jaime Nave

    UPCI Basic Research Administration, Main Campus
    2 Years of Service

    Now that we are a union, I want to ensure that our rights are protected and ensure my union brothers and sisters are considered in the agreement. Prior to coming to the University of Pittsburgh, I worked for a school district where I was a Union Steward within Teamsters and negotiated 2 contracts. I earned my Bachelor of Science in Labor Studies and Employment Relations with Penn State where my focus was on unions and federal employment laws. I feel that I would be a great member to represent you!

  • Stacie Niedbala

    Medicine, Main Campus
    1.5 Years of Service

    I was an active member of the NEA and PSEA as a teacher for over 20 years, and I value the role of the union to represent the employees in negotiating fair wages, health care, and working conditions.

  • Kayla Odenthal

    Pediatrics, Main Campus
    6 Years of Service

    As a social worker, I am deeply committed to advocating for fair treatment and better working conditions for all staff. Joining the union's bargaining committee will allow me to use my communication, problem solving, active listening, and leadership skills to secure equitable benefits, job security, and a better work environment.

  • Ellie Pfeuffer

    Donor Relations & Stewardship, Main Campus
    1 Year of Service

    Negotiating the best contract for all employees requires the listening ear of those who will hear the concerns of all, notice trends, and advocate well for themselves and others.

    As a previous fundraiser with a background in international affairs/conflict resolution and community building, Pitt grad, and individual with diverse lived experience, I would like to lend my insight, expertise and unique skillset towards the shared goal of a strong Pitt community.

  • Taylor Rapchak

    CTSI, Main Campus
    5 Years of Service

    IT workers at Pitt number over 500, and CTSI makes another 100+. The issues with our working conditions are similar, despite us stretching across all schools/institutes/hospitals and having little interaction with one another. If you’ve heard of me, it’s likely because I've been calling workers the last 5 years (before we could even use The U Word) to form this union. It’s time for me to take that tenacity to the bargaining table.

  • Kimberly Robinson

    Rehabiliatation Science and Technology- Bakery Square, Main Campus
    12 Years of Service

    To advocate for the people, share their concerns, and be their voice for negotiations. I believe in solidarity & I’m ready to put in the work.

  • Emilee Ruhland

    UCIS, Main Campus
    3 Years of Service

    As a former Pitt grad and staff member for nearly three years, I’m eager to bring my experience as an organizer to the bargaining table. I’m committed to representing voices across the university and believe that truly listening is key to creating a union that reflects our diverse needs. I’ll work to achieve an effective compromise and will amplify our collective voice to ensure we secure a strong first contract that meets the needs of all Pitt staff.

  • Martin Schrick

    Pitt IT, Main Campus
    5 Years of Service

    As an organizer of the unionization effort for Pitt staff, I attended several meetings with the organizers. I quickly discovered that most, if not all the organizers had a singular political viewpoint and orthodoxy ruled the day. Union management has been taken over by the Democrat party, to the detriment of the workers. I hope to provide an independent voice for Pitt staff (especially IT workers, who may have different concerns than other staff).

  • Todd Shaffer

    Student Affairs, Johnstown
    20 Years of Service

    I have worked at UPJ for 20 years in many roles from area coordinator, to facilities, public safety and currently Director of Student Conduct. In all of these roles I have built relationships with all offices on campus to ensure work gets completed. I am seen as a problem solver for our campus and was recognized for that with the Presidents award for excellence to campus.

    While I believe I can represent the interest of all staff members I am running specifically to make sure the voices of the branch campuses are heard and that our pay and benefits are treated as equals. We have come to realize that pay and benefits are less than those of the main campus. As an example, the UPJ campus has no FWA.

    I thank you for your consideration.

  • Jennifer Smith

    Orthopaedic Surgery, Main Campus
    23 Years of Service

    I have worked at the University of Pittsburgh for 23 years, including over 10 years in Orthopaedic Surgery and 2-3 years assisting PMR. Prior to Pitt, I worked at Miller Electric Construction, having gained experience with the IBEW Local 5 Union. Being part of the Bargaining Committee enables me to effectively advocate for staff while balancing the needs of both the University and the Union. I am committed to ensuring that changes are fair, transparent, and beneficial for all, and I will work to make this transition as smooth and successful as possible.

  • Lauren Smith-Lemesh

    Academic Advising-Public Health, Main Campus
    8 Years of Service

    During my time at Pitt, I’ve worked in Dietrich, Swanson, and now Public Health with varying roles in academic advising and global experiences, including contract negotiation. I have experienced the challenges of Pitt staff first-hand both before and after COVID; parking (enough said), inadequate pay, and student caseloads to name a few. I will keep open and timely communications channels with all stakeholders, carefully review proposals, and use my voice to lift the collective up for our bargaining committee. My parents were in unions, so I’ve seen the good they create—I am proud to be carrying on this legacy.

  • Dawn Stamm

    DLAR, Main Campus
    8 Years of Service

    I have never been involved in a union, but I believe my department is unique and requires representation. The DLAR staff is essential personnel and are required to work 365 days a year. There is a tremendous amount of stress, and we as well as all staff deserve fair and equitable working conditions. I have fought for myself and will fight for all of the staff and help in away way I can to get a fair contract.

  • Robert Thompson

    SVC Health Sciences - Strategic Communications, Main Campus
    5 Years of Service

    A Pitt employee since 2019 and current Manager of Digital Strategy for the Health Sciences, I’ve worked across departments—from student engagement to digital marketing at the Katz Graduate School of Business—gaining a nuanced understanding of staff needs. My experience as an election officer with the Ohio Educators Association faculty union has honed my advocacy skills, while my teaching roles at Pitt Business and other institutions have deepened my commitment to higher education and refined my ability to communicate complex ideas effectively. Serving as Staff Council Chair for the Mentor Award and Pitt Day of Giving, I’m eager to bring my strategic, communicative, and collaborative skills to ensure staff voices are powerfully represented in our bargaining process.

  • Anny Treat

    Health Policy and Management, School of Public Health, Main Campus
    1 Year of Service

    I am excited to join the Bargaining Committee to advocate for the rights and needs of University of Pittsburgh staff. As a Data Analyst from the School of Public Health, I bring a evidence-driven and analytic approach to decision-making during the negotiation process. My background in research and data analysis enables me to clearly communicate complex issues, ensuring are voices are well represented. I’m dedicated to supporting the well-being and professional growth of our university community.

  • Ted Trunzo

    Department of Neurology, Main Campus
    14 Years of Service

    I respectfully submit my name to be considered as a member of the newly forming Bargaining Committee.

    With over 14 years of financial and relational experience under the University of Pittsburgh's operational umbrella, I believe my vast institutional knowledge and professional skills will be a positive force on the committee ensuring we build and foster stronger ties between the University's Faculty and Staff and its Administration.

  • Agustin Urioste

    Human Engineering Research Laboratories (SoM), Main Campus
    1 Year of Service

    The candidate for YOUTH & DIVERSITY.

    I'm a Hispanic-American, bilingual 25 y/o (Gen Z) man working in Communications for HERL, a Pitt department working on assistive technology to improve the lives of people with disabilities. The wide breadth of my experience living and collaborating with people of various origins and abilities — paired with the unique outlook a person of my generation brings — makes me the ideal candidate qualified to be the voice for youth and diversity (of nationality and ability) amongst our staff at the Bargaining Committee.

  • Michelle Utz-Kiley

    Epidemiology, Main Campus
    20 Years of Service

    As part of the soft-money contingent at the University who are not afforded a lot of the protections, nor given the necessary equipment to perform our jobs correctly or efficiently. We and are also among the lowest paid at the University. I would like to see the staff be treated equitably and consistently across the system. It is time for the staff to receive the piece of the pie that the executives have been receiving while crying poor the entire time.

  • Jennifer Witt

    Business, Hospitality and Auxiliary Services, Main Campus
    2 Years of Service

    I currently work as Financial Coordinator for BHAS. I have had the pleasure of working with from several departments including Athletics Department, Student Affairs and the Office of the Senior Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer. My previous experience is in human services and a supervisor and change leader. I have lead many transitions in my career and would be honored to bring my experience, skills and motivation to the Bargaining Committee. As an alumni of Pitt, I have a passion for our Pitt community and values.

  • Daniel Wyszomierski

    UPCI/NSABP, Main Campus
    16 Years of Service

    I am excited to be part of the Staff Union. I grew up as part of a union family, and was taught the importance of unions in helping to ensure equitable compensation, benefits, and working conditions for all of their members. I would be proud to help negotiate these items for every member of the Staff Union at Pitt. I am especially eager to help guarantee that compensation for union members is aligned with industry standards for their jobs, and that health care, retirement, and family education benefits are retained and enhanced.

  • Jennifer Zerbato

    Neurological Surgery, Main Campus
    1 Year of Service

    I am a passionate employee who completed my PhD at Pitt in 2016. After moving abroad for a postdoctoral fellowship and a brief stint in industry, I am now building my career here at Pitt in clinical research. My experiences at other institutions have shown me where Pitt is falling short and where the University could improve. I believe that staff deserve more fair wages, more competitive PTO/vacation time, and more access to parking. I am a strong gay woman who has always fought for what I believe in and for what I think is right. I hope to be a fair voice to make this university a better place for all staff and a place we can all be proud to call our employer.


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