We Won! What’s next?

Continue Building our Communication and Action Team (CAT)

CAT members help build solidarity with our co-workers by making sure all Pitt Staff are getting important info, have someone to go to with questions and know about union achievements and activities.

We’ll continue growing our CAT as part of our contract campaign. Sign-up to learn more about how you can help.

Electing our Bargaining Committee

Our Bargaining Committee will be made up of Pitt Staff members, our USW District 10 Director and other USW technical staff. Our goal is to have a Bargaining Committee that is representative of our membership and supported by experts.

We will have open nominations followed by an election for the Bargaining Committee. All Pitt Staff will be able to nominate and vote.

In addition to elected members, our District Director may appoint additional members to ensure the Committee is fully representative of our membership. 


We’ll conduct a bargaining survey to get input from the Staff and show the administration we’re all engaged in this process together.


The Bargaining Committee will meet to discuss the survey results, determine priorities and develop a bargaining strategy.

Bargaining Dates

We’ll reach out to the administration to schedule initial bargaining dates, set ground rules and request important information that we’ll need in order to develop our proposals.


We’ll share updates on negotiations through our text system, e-mail, website and CAT members. Throughout the process, we’ll also ask everyone to step up and show your support for a fair contract. Look out for more info from our CAT!